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单词 prudence
释义 prudence['pru:dns]n. 审慎, 慎重, 精明, 节俭 prudence  pru.dence  AHD:  [pr›d“ns] D.J.  [6pru8dns]K.K.  [6prud2s]n.(名词)1. The state, quality, or fact of being prudent.谨慎,小心:谨慎的状态、品质或事实2. Careful management; economy.节俭:精心的管理;节俭参考词汇:1. prudence,discretion,foresight,forethought,circumspection2. These nouns are compared as they refer to the exercise of good judgment and common sense, especially in the conduct of practical matters.当这些名词意指良好的判断和常识的运用时,常把它们进行比较,尤其是指对实际事务的处理。3. Prudence,  the most comprehensive,implies not only cautionbut also the capacity for judging in advance the probable results of one's actions: Prudence  含义最广,不仅有小心谨慎的意思,还指具有提前判断自己行动可能导致的结果的能力: “She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older” (Jane Austen).“在年青的时候她不得不小心谨慎,当年龄越来越大,她学会了风流韵事” (简·奥斯汀)。4. Discretion  suggests prudence coupled with wise self-restraint,as in resisting the impulse to take rash action: Discretion  指带有明智的自我节制的谨慎,如能抑制采取莽撞行动的冲动: “The better part of valor is discretion” (Shakespeare).“谨慎即大勇” (莎士比亚)。5. Foresight  implies the ability to foresee and make provision for what may happen: Foresight  指预见或为可能发生的事作准备的能力: She had the foresight to realize that once the ugly rumor had begun to circulate, only the truth could put it to rest.她早就明白,一旦恶毒的谣言开始流传,只有真相才能使之平息。6. Forethought  suggests advance consideration of future eventualities: Forethought  指对将来可能出现的结果作提前的考虑: An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought.空空的冰箱说明主人缺乏先见。7. Circumspection  implies discretion together with prudent heed for possible consequences, as out of concern for moral or social repercussions: Circumspection  指慎重并出于对道德或社会反响的考虑而对可能出现的结果小心注意: “The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude and perseverance” (Samuel Adams).“这个时代比以前任何时候都需要我们最大的谨慎、沉着、坚强和毅力” (萨缪尔·亚当斯)




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