单词 | pseudepigrapha |
释义 | pseudepigrapha pseud.e.pig.ra.pha AHD: [s›”d¹-p¹g“r…-f…] D.J. [7su8d!6p!gr*f*]K.K. [7sud!6p!gr*f*]pl.n.(复数名词)1. Spurious writings, especially writings falsely attributed to biblical characters or times.伪经:伪造的经文,尤指假托圣经人物或圣经时代所写的经文2. A body of texts written between 200b.c. and a.d. 200 and spuriously ascribed to various prophets and kings of Hebrew Scriptures. 圣经次经:写于公元前200年 到 公元后200年 的一批经文,假托希伯来圣经中的各先知和国王所写 语源:1. Greek [from neuter pl. of] pseudepigraphos [falsely ascribed] 希腊语 [] 源自pseudepigraphos的中性复数 [假托的] 2. pseud¶s [false] * see pseudo- pseud¶s [假的] *参见 pseudo-3. epigraphein [to inscribe] epi- [epi-] graphein [to write] * see gerbh- epigraphein [题写] epi- [前辍,表“其上,其间”] graphein [书写] *参见 gerbh- 继承用法:pseud”epig“raphal AHD: [-r…-f…l] 或 pseud”ep.i.graph“ic [s›”dµp-¹-gr²f“¹k] 或 pseud”ep.i.graph“i.cal [-¹-k…l] 或 pseud”e.pig“ra.phous [-r…-f…s] (形容词) |
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