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单词 athlete
释义 athlete['æθli:t]n. 运动员, 运动选手【医】 运动员 athlete  ath.lete  AHD:  [²th“l¶t”] D.J.  [6#G7li8t]K.K.  [6#G7lit]n.Abbr. athl.(名词)缩写 athl.A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.运动员:具有某种先天或后天才能,如体育锻炼和运动所必须需的体力、灵活和耐力,尤指在竞技中表示现出来的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin athl¶ta 源自 拉丁语 athl¶ta 3. from Greek athl¶t¶s [contestant] 源自 希腊语 athl¶t¶s [竞技者] 4. from athlein [to contend] 源自 athlein [参加竞赛] 5. possibly from athlos [contest] 可能源自 athlos [竞赛] 注释:Athletes who believe that winning is the most important aspect of athletics have etymological support for their view,even if the way one plays the game is more important than winning a prize.The wordathlete  may ultimately go back to the Greek word athlos,  “contest, especially a contest for a prize.” Two other possible sources areathlon,  “prize won in a contest,” and .athleus,  “one who competes.” The Greek wordathl¶t¶s,  derived from at least one of these sources, meant “combatant, champion,” and was used especially for competitors in games.Our wordathlete,  borrowed from Greek by way of Latin, is first recorded in Middle English (possibly before 1425) with reference to wrestlers.那些坚信体育比赛中取胜是最重要一面的运动员,有词源学根据来支持他们的观点,甚至参加运动的方式比获取奖品更重要。athlete 这个单词可以最终追溯到希腊单词 athlos “比赛, 尤指为获取奖品的竞赛。”另外两个可能的词源是athlon “体育竞赛中获得的奖品”和 athleus “参加体育竞赛的人”。 athletes 这个希腊单词至少从这些词源之一发展而来,意思是“竞技者、冠军”, 尤其用来指体育比赛中的竞技者。这个词athlete 通过拉丁语从希腊语中借用, 最早记录于中世纪英语(大约在1425年以前),用来指摔跤运动




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