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单词 public
释义 public['pʌblik]n. 公众, 民众a. 公众的, 公共的, 公立的, 公用的【经】 公(有)的, 公共的, 公众的相关词组:in publicin the public eye public  pub.lic  AHD:  [p¾b“l¹k] D.J.  [6pJbl!k]K.K.  [6pJbl!k]adj.Abbr. pub.(形容词)缩写 pub.1. Of, concerning, or affecting the community or the people:公共的,公众的:社会或民众的,与社会或民众有关的或影响社会或民众的:the public good.公众利益2. Maintained for or used by the people or community:公用的:为民众或社会保养的或供他们使用的:a public park.公园3. Capitalized in shares of stock that can be traded on the open market:有股上市的:由可在自由市场上交易的股份提供资金的:a public company.有股上市的公司4. Participated in or attended by the people or community:公众参与的:由民众或社会参与或处理的:“Opinions are formed in a process of open discussion and public debate”(&b{Hannah Arendt})“意见是在一系列的公开讨论和公众的争论中形成的”(汉娜·阿伦特)5. Connected with or acting on behalf of the people, community, or government:公众的,代表的:与民众、社会或政府相联系的,或代表民众、社会或政府行事的:public office.公职6. Open to the knowledge or judgment of all:众所周知的:所有人都知道的或公开裁判的:a public scandal.尽人皆知的丑闻n.Abbr. pub.(名词)缩写 pub.1. The community or the people as a whole.公众:作为一个整体的社会或民众2. A group of people sharing a common interest:同好者:有共同兴趣的一群人:the reading public.读者大众3. Admirers or followers, especially of a famous person.See Usage Note at collective noun 追随者:崇拜者或追随者,尤指一个名人的追随者和崇拜者参见 collective noun习惯用语:go public  To become publicly owned, by launching shares of stock onto the open market:公开发售股票:通过把股票投入公开市场而使…成为公众所拥有:The company went public after having been closely held for 12 years.这个公司在被紧密地控制了十二年之后,终于公开召股了go public with【非正式用语】  To reveal to the public a previously unknown or secret piece of information:公布于众:把先前不为大众所知或秘密的情况公布于众:The president finally had to go public with the scandal.总统最后只有把这桩丑闻公之于众in public  In such a way as to be visible to the scrutiny of the people:公开地:以一种能被民众密切观察的方式:“A career is born in public-talent in privacy”(&b{Marilyn Monroe})“事业是基于在私下公开的才智而形成的”(玛丽琳·门罗)语源:1. Middle English publik 中古英语 publik 2. from Old French public 源自 古法语 public 3. from Latin p&9{¿blicus} 源自 拉丁语 p&9{¿blicus} 4. alteration  influenced by p&9{¿b¶s} [adult population] * see  puberty  受 p&9{¿b¶s的影响} [成年人口] *参见 puberty5. of poplicus poplicus的变化 6. from populus [people] 源自 populus [人民] 7. [of Etruscan origin] [源于伊特鲁里亚语] 继承用法:pub“licness  n.(名词)




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