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单词 pueblo
释义 pueblo[pu'ebləu]n. 普韦布洛印第安人, 印第安人村庄 pueblo  pueb.lo  AHD:  [pwµb“l½] D.J.  [6pwebl*&]K.K.  [6pwWblo]n.(名词)  【复数】 pueb.los 1. Pueblo pl. Pueblo or Pueb.los  Pueblo 【复数】 Pueblo 或 Pueb.los  2. Any of some 25 Native American peoples, including the Hopi, Zuñi, and Taos, living in established villages in northern and western New Mexico and northeast Arizona. The Pueblo are descendants of the cliff-dwelling Anasazi peoples and are noted for their skilled craft in pottery, basketry, weaving, and metalworking.普埃布洛族:美洲约25个土著民族之一,包括霍皮人、祖尼人和陶人,居住在新墨西哥的北部、西部及美国亚利桑那州东北部的村庄中。普埃布洛人是居住在悬崖上的阿那萨齐民族的后裔,他们以陶器、编篮、编织和金属制造方面的出色技艺而闻名3. A member of any of these peoples.普埃布洛人:这些民族的成员4. A permanent village or community of any of the Pueblo peoples, typically consisting of multilevel adobe or stone apartment dwellings of terraced design clustered around a central plaza.普埃布洛印地安人部落:普埃布洛民族永久性村庄或社区,由环绕中心广场的梯型设计的多层土砖或石制住房组成语源:1. Spanish [people, pueblo] 西班牙语 [民族,普埃布洛族] 2. from Latin populus [people] * see  public 源自 拉丁语 populus [人民] *参见 public注释:The identity of the Pueblo peoples is undeniably connected to the stone and adobe dwellings they have occupied for more than 700 years—especially from an etymological point of view.Originally coming from the Latin wordpopulus,  “people, nation,” the Spanish wordpueblo,  meaning “town, village,” as well as “nation, people,”was naturally applied by 16th-century Spanish explorers to villages that they discovered or founded in the Southwest.The English wordpueblo  is first recorded in an American text in this sense in 1808, marking it as an Americanism.The distinctive adobe or stone villages of the Pueblo peoples,with some buildings rising as high as five stories,must have impressed the Spaniards considerably,becausepueblo  came to be transferred from a name for the village to a name for its inhabitants, perhaps in honor of their architectural achievements or simply as an obvious way to distinguish the Pueblo from other Native American peoples.The first recorded usage of this sense is found in 1834.无可质疑,普埃布洛族的象征是与他们已经居住了700年的土石结构房屋联系在一起的——尤其是从词源学的角度来看。最初源于意为“民族,国家”的拉丁语populus,  意为“城镇,村庄”的西班牙语pueblo , 同时也有“民族,国家”的意思,16世纪的西班牙探险家们很自然地用这个词来称呼他们在西南部发现或建立的村庄。英语中pueblo 的这个含义最早记载于1808年的一篇美国课文中, 这标志着它成了一个美语词。普埃布洛族有特色的石造和土造村庄,有些建筑高达五层,肯定给西班牙人留下了深刻的印象,因为pueblo 这个词是从这个村庄的名字转变成村庄中居民的名字的, 这可能是出于对他们建筑成就的敬仰或仅仅作为将普埃布洛族和其它美洲土著民族区分开的明显途径。这个词义是在1834年最早有使用记载的。 Pueblo  Pueblo  NONE(无词性)A city of southeast-central Colorado south-southeast of Colorado Springs. It is a shipping and industrial center for an irrigated agricultural region. Population, 98,640.普艾布罗:科罗拉多州中东南部一城市,位于科罗拉多斯普林斯市东南以南。是一个灌溉农业区的造船业和工业中心。人口98,640




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