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单词 push
释义 push[puʃ]n. 推, 推动, 奋斗, 攻击, 进取心vt. 推, 推动, 使伸出, 推行, 逼迫, 增加vi. 推, 推进, 增加, 努力争取【机】 推, 推力; 推动相关词组:get the pushat a pushbe in the pushpush ahead withpush aroundpush sb aroundpush backpush offpush onpush sb onpush sb overpush one's luckpush inpush uppush downpush asidepush oneself forwardwhen it comes to the push...give sb the push push  push  AHD:  [p‹sh] D.J.  [p&.]K.K.  [p&.]v.(动词)  pushed,,及物动词)1. To apply pressure against for the purpose of moving:推动:为了达到移动某物的目的而在某物上施加压力:push a shopping cart through the aisles of a market.在超级市场的通道里推着一辆购物车2. To move (an object) by exerting force against it; thrust or shove.推开,挤开:为移动(某物体)而对其施加力量;猛推或挤3. To force (one's way):强行(闯入成挤出):We pushed our way through the crowd.我们挤出人群4. To urge forward or urge insistently; pressure:强迫,逼迫:向前推动或不断鞭策;迫使:push a child to study harder.鞭策这孩子更努力地学习5. To bear hard upon; press.使痛苦不堪:对某人施加困难;逼迫6. To exert downward pressure on (a button or keyboard, for example); press.按,压下:在(按钮或键盘上)施加向下的压力;压,按7. To extend or enlarge:扩展,扩张:扩充或扩大:push society past the frontier.将社团组织扩大到边境地区8. Slang 【俚语】 9. To promote or sell (a product):宣传促销:促销或出售产品:The author pushed her latest book by making appearances in bookstores.作者通过在书店与读者直接见面的方式来推销他的最新作品10. To sell (a narcotic) illegally:非法贩卖(麻药):push drugs.贩毒v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To exert outward pressure or force against something.推,挤:从外部对某物施加压力或力量2. To advance despite difficulty or opposition; press forward.奋勇向前:排除困难或反对而前进;推行3. To expend great or vigorous effort.努力:耗费巨大的或充满活力的努力n.(名词)1. The act of pushing; thrust:推:推的动作;猛推:gave the door a swift push.敏捷的推开门2. A vigorous or insistent effort toward an end; a drive:持续的努力,驱策力:精力充沛或持久的朝着目标的努力;动力:a push to democracy.为了实现民主而努力3. A provocation to action; a stimulus.激励,刺激:某种行动的刺激;激励4. Informal Persevering energy; enterprise.【非正式用语】 不屈不挠,进取心:不屈不挠的精神;进取心常用词组:push around 【非正式用语】  To treat or threaten to treat roughly; intimidate.粗暴对待,胁迫:粗暴地对待或威胁要粗暴地对待;恐吓,威胁push off 【非正式用语】  To set out; depart:出发,启程:离开;离去:The infantry patrol pushed off before dawn.巡逻队于黎明前离去了push on  To continue or proceed along one's way:继续前进:沿着某人的路继续或前进:The path was barely visible, but we pushed on.几乎看不见路了,但是我们继续前进习惯用语:push paper【非正式用语】  To have one's time taken up by administrative, often seemingly petty, paperwork:做琐碎的工作:把时间花在行政性的、经常看起来是琐碎的文字工作上:She spent the afternoon pushing paper for her boss.她用了整个下午的时间为她的老板整理文字材料when push comes to shove 或  if push comes to shove  At a point when or if all else has been taken into account and matters must be confronted, one way or another:在紧要关头:在如果或当任何其他因素都被考虑到了和所有事实都必需面对的时刻,不是以这种方式就是另一种方式:“We extol the virtues of motherhood and bestow praise on the self-sacrificing homemaker but when push comes to shove, we give her little recognition for what she does”(&b{Los Angeles Times})“我们赞美母性的美德和有自我牺牲精神的主妇们,但是当形势十分紧要的时刻,我们对她的所作所为却没有给予承认和认可”(洛杉矶时报)语源:1. Middle English pusshen 中古英语 pusshen 2. from Old French poulser, pousser 源自 古法语 poulser, pousser 3. from Latin puls³re [frequentative of] pellere [to strike, push] * see  pel- 5源自 拉丁语 puls³re  [] pellere的重复动词 [打击,推] *参见 pel- 5参考词汇:1. push,propel,shove,thrust2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to press against something in order to move it forward or aside”: 这些动词共有的中心意思是“对某物施加压力从而把它移动或移开:: thrust the package into her hand. See also Synonyms at  &b{campaign} &b{pull} 把包裹塞到她的手里 参见同义词 campaignpull




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