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单词 atomism
释义 atomism['ætəumizm]n. 原子说, 原子论【医】 原子论, 原子学说 atomism  AHD:  [²t“…-m¹z”…m] D.J.  [6#t*7m!z*m]K.K.  [6#t*7m!z*m]n.(名词)1. Philosophy The ancient theory of Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius, according to which simple, minute, indivisible, and indestructible particles are the basic components of the entire universe.【哲学】 原子论:古哲学家德谟克利特、伊比鸠鲁、卢梭等所持的唯物主义理论,认为简单微小的、不可分割、不可消灭的微粒是整个宇宙的基本组成部分2. Philosophy A theory according to which social institutions, values, and processes arise solely from the acts and interests of individuals, who thus constitute the only true subject of analysis.【哲学】 个人主义论:认为所有社会机构、价值及运行过程都只由个人的行为及利益来趋动的理论,这样,个人组成了分析的唯一真正对象3. The division of or tendency to divide a society into subclasses, groups, or units.分析论:一种将社会分解或趋向于分解为集合,小组或单位的学说4. The understanding of society as a set of independent wills, based on a belief in the priority of individual over cooperative values:个体论:以个体利益高于集团利益的价值观念为基础,将社会看作一系列个体意志的看法:“the kind of atomism and individualism that is implicit in what might be called the John Wayne conception of society and the individual”(&b{Saturday Review})“个体论及个人主义论可以称作是约翰·韦恩的个人及社会观”(星期六评论)继承用法:at“omist  n.(名词)




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