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单词 quick
释义 quick[kwik]a. 快的, 迅速的, 敏捷的, 灵敏的, 急速的ad. 快n. 新长出的肉, 要害, 核心, 感觉敏锐部位【医】 快的, 活的, 有胎动感的【经】 快速的, 流动的相关词组:as quick as thoughtto the quickbe quick at quick  quick  AHD:  [kw¹k] D.J.  [kw!k]K.K.  [kw!k]adj.(形容词),quick.est 1. Moving or functioning rapidly and energetically; speedy.快的、迅速的:快速且有力地移动或起作用的;迅速的2. Learning, thinking, or understanding with speed and dexterity; bright:敏捷的:学习、思考或理解上迅速且敏捷的;聪明的:a quick mind.See Synonyms at &b{nimble} 敏捷的头脑参见 nimble3. Perceiving or responding with speed and sensitivity; keen.敏锐的:迅速且敏感地感觉或反应的;敏锐的4. Reacting immediately and sharply:性急的:反应迅捷且强烈的:a quick temper.急性子5. Occurring or achieved in a relatively brief period of time:短时间内到达:在相对较短的一段时间内发生或完成的:a quick rise through the ranks.官职升得很快6. Done or occurring immediately:立刻做的或发生的:a quick inspection.See Synonyms at &b{fast} &+{1}很快的浏览参见 fast17. Tending to react hastily:匆忙的:趋向于反应快速的:quick to find fault.很快就找出错误8. Archaic 【古语】 9. Alive.活着的10. Pregnant.怀孕的n.(名词)1. Sensitive or raw exposed flesh, as under the fingernails.嫩肉、新肉:敏感的或新生的裸露肉皮,如指甲盖下的2. The most personal and sensitive aspect of the emotions.感觉敏感的部位:感情中最个人的和最敏感的方面3. The living:活着的人或事物:the quick and the dead.生者与死者4. The vital core; the essence:重要的核心;本质:got to the quick of the matter.进入议题的核心adv.(副词)Quickly; promptly.快速地;立刻地语源:1. Middle English [alive, lively, quick] 中古英语 [活的,有生机的,快速的] 2. from Old English cwicu [alive] * see  g wei- 源自 古英语 cwicu [活的] *参见 g wei- 继承用法:quick“ly  adv.(副词)quick“ness  n.(名词)用法:In speechquick  is commonly used as an adverb in phrases such asCome quick.  In formal writing, however,quickly  is required. 在口语中,quick 通常在词组中作副词, 如在Come quick(快点来) 这样的词组中, 但在正式写作中,要求使用quickly  




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