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单词 quintessence
释义 quintessence[kwin'tesns]n. 精萃, 精华, 典范【医】 浓浸膏, 精华 quintessence  quin.tes.sence  AHD:  [kw¹n-tµs“…ns] D.J.  [kw!n6tes*ns]K.K.  [kw!n6tWs*ns]n.(名词)1. The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing.精华,精髓:事物纯正的、高度浓缩的精粹2. The purest or most typical instance:典型:最纯正或最典型的例子:the quintessence of evil.罪恶的化身3. In ancient and medieval philosophy, the fifth and highest essence after the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, thought to be the substance of the heavenly bodies and latent in all things.第五种要素:在古代和中世纪的哲学中,除了土、空气、火和水四大基本元素以外的第五种也是最高的精髓,被认为是天体的组成物质并潜伏在于所有事物之中语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French quinte essence [fifth essence] 源自 古法语 quinte essence [第五种要素] 3. from Medieval Latin qu&9{ºnta essentia} 源自 中世纪拉丁语 qu&9{ºnta essentia} 4. Latin qu&9{ºnta} [feminine of] qu&9{º}ntus [fifth] * see  penk we 拉丁语 qu&9{ºnta}  [] qu&9{º}ntus的阴性词 [第五] *参见 penk we 5. Latin essentia [essence]  translation of Greek pempt¶ ousia * see  essence 拉丁语 essentia [本质]   希腊语 pempt¶ ousia的翻译 *参见 essence




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