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单词 quorum
释义 quorum['kwɒ:rəm]n. 法定人数, 挑选出的一组人【经】 法定决议票数, 法定人数 quorum  quo.rum  AHD:  [kwôr“…m, kw½r“-] D.J.  [6kw%8r*m, 6kw*&r-]K.K.  [6kw%r*m, 6kwor-]n.(名词)1. The minimal number of officers and members of a committee or an organization, usually a majority, who must be present for valid transaction of business.法定人数:委员会或组织最少人数的官员或成员,通常要达到多数,必须出席以确保事务处理的有效性2. A select group.挑选出来的一组人语源:1. Middle English [quorum of justices of the peace] 中古英语 [治安法官法定人数] 2. from Latin qu½rum [of whom, from the wording of a commission naming certain persons as members of a body] [genitive pl. of] qu&9{º} [who] * see  k wo- 源自 拉丁语 qu½rum [谁的…,源自委员会用语,任命某些人为一团体成员]  [] qu&9{º}的所有格复数 [谁] *参见 k wo-




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