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单词 r
释义 r 1  r 1或 R  AHD:  [är] D.J.  [$8]K.K.  [$r]n.(名词)  【复数】 r's 或 R's  1. The 18th letter of the modern English alphabet.字母R:现代英语字母表中的第十八个字母2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letterr.  R的读音:由字母r 所代表的读音 3. The 18th in a series.序列中的第十八 r 2  r 2  abbr.(略语)1. Or R  Mathematics Radius. 或 R 【数学】 Radius.2. Or R  Electricity Resistance. 或 R 【电学】 Resistance.3. Or r.  Baseball Run. 或 r. 【棒球】 Run. R 1  R 1  AHD:  [är] D.J.  [$8]K.K.  [$r]n.(名词)A movie rating that allows admission only to persons of a certain age, usually 17, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.R级,电影的限制级:一种电影分级,允许一定年龄以下(通常为17岁)的人在家长或保护人陪同下才能观看n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:通常用来修饰另一名词:an R movie.一部限制级影片语源:Short for restricted restricted的简写 R 2  R 2  NONE(无词性)1. The symbol for gas constant 元素gas constant的符号2. The symbol for radical 元素radical的符号 R 3  R 3  abbr.(略语)1. Or R.  Réaumur [scale] 或 R. Réaumur[标度] 2. Registered trademark.注册的商标3. Ecclesiastical Response. 【基督教会】 Response.4. Or r  Roentgen. 或 r Roentgen.5. Games Rook [chess] 【游戏】 Rook[棋]  R.  R.  abbr.(略语)1. Rabbi. Rabbi.2. Rector. Rector.3. Republican. Republican.4. Royal. Royal. r.  r.  abbr.(略语)1. Or R.  Railroad ,railway. 或 R. Railroad,railway.2. Or R.  Range. 或 R. Range.3. Rare. Rare.4. Retired. Retired.5. Or R.  Right. 或 R. Right.6. Or R.  River. 或 R. River.7. Or R.  Road. 或 R. Road.8. Rod [unit of length] Rod[长度单位] 9. Games Rubber. 【游戏】 Rubber.10. Ruble. Ruble.11. Or R.  Rupee. 或 R. Rupee. r¶-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: real1 republic重要派生词为: real1 republic2. To bestow, endow.授予, 给予.3. Contracted from*re…- . Suffixed form *re…-i- , goods, wealth, property. re 2 , real 1 , rebus , reify , republic , from Latin  r¶s , thing. 缩约于*re…- . 添加后缀的形式 *re…-i- , 货物, 财富, 财产. re 2 , real 1 , rebus , reify , republic , 源自 拉丁语  r¶s , 事物,东西. 语源:Pokorny 4.rei-  850. 波科尔尼4.rei-  850.




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