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单词 raphe
释义 raphe【医】 缝[际], 种脊(植) raphe  raphe 也作 rha.phe  AHD:  [r³“f¶] D.J.  [6re!fi8]K.K.  [6refi]n.(名词)  【复数】 ra.phae[-f¶”]  1. Anatomy A seamlike line or ridge between two similar parts of a body organ, as in the scrotum.【解剖学】 缝:在例如阴囊等器官上相似部分之间缝状的线条或突起2. Botany The portion of the funiculus that is united to the ovule wall, commonly visible as a line or ridge on the seed coat.【植物学】 脊,种脊:植物珠柄与胚珠壁连接的部分,通常表现为果实外壳上的一道条纹或突起3. The median groove of a diatom valve.阀缝:硅藻阀上的中槽语源:1. New Latin 现代拉丁语 2. from Greek rhaph¶ [seam, suture] 源自 希腊语 rhaph¶ [缝,槽] 3. from rhaptein [to sew] * see  wer- 2源自 rhaptein [缝补] *参见 wer- 2




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