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单词 reader
释义 reader['ri:də]n. 读者, 读物, 文选, 校对人, 讲师【计】 阅读程序; 阅读器 reader  AHD:  [r¶“d…r] D.J.  [6ri8d*]K.K.  [6rid+]n.(名词)1. One that reads.读者:阅读的人2. One who publicly recites literary works.朗诵者:在大众面前背诵文学作品的人3. A person employed by a publisher to read and evaluate manuscripts.审稿人:被某出版者雇用来阅读并评估稿件的人4. One who corrects printers' proofs; a proofreader.校对人:校正印刷工的样张的人;校对员5. A teaching assistant who reads and grades examination papers.助教:阅读并评改试卷的助教6. Chiefly British A university teacher, especially one ranking next below a professor.【多用于英国】 高级讲师:大学的教师,尤指仅低于教授职称的那一级教师7. A textbook of reading exercises.阅读练习:内容为阅读练习的教科书8. An anthology, especially a literary anthology.选集:选集,尤指文学选集9. A layperson or minor cleric who recites lessons or prayers in church services.读经师:在教堂仪式中背诵经文或祈祷书的神职人员或职位较低的牧师




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