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单词 receipt
释义 receipt[ri'si:t]n. 收据, 收入, 收到vt. 开...的收据【经】 变入, 收款, 收据相关词组:be in receipt of receipt  re.ceipt  AHD:  [r¹-s¶t“] D.J.  [r!6si8t]K.K.  [r!6sit]n.Abbr. rcpt.,rec.,rect.(名词)缩写 rcpt.,rec.,rect.1. The act of receiving:收到:收到的行为:We are in receipt of your letter.来函我们已收到2. The fact of being or having been received:已接到:已接到的事实:They denied receipt of the shipment.他们否认已接收到货物3. Often receipts A quantity or amount received:常作 receipts 收入:接收到的数量:cash receipts.现金收入4. A written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been received.证据:表明证实某具体物件、钱款或商业货物已接到的书面证据5. A recipe.处方v.(动词)  re.ceipt.ed,,re.ceipts及物动词)1. To mark (a bill) as having been paid.注明已收讫:在(某帐单)上注明已支付的标记2. To give or write a receipt for (money paid or goods or services delivered).出具可填写收据:出示或书写证明(某钱款已付或货物、服务已发出或行使)的收据v.intr.(不及物动词)To give a receipt.出具收据语源:1. Middle English receite 中古英语 receite 2. from Old North French 源自 古法国北方方言 3. from Medieval Latin recepta [medical prescription, money received] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 recepta [医疗处方、钱款已收] 4. from Latin [feminine past participle of] recipere [to receive] * see  receive 源自 拉丁语  [] recipere的阴性过去分词 [接收] *参见 receive




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