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单词 recessive
释义 recessive[ri'sesiv]a. 后退的, 逆行的, 隐性的n. 隐性性状【医】 劣势的, 隐性的, 退缩的 recessive  re.ces.sive  AHD:  [r¹-sµs“¹v] D.J.  [r!6ses!v]K.K.  [r!6sWs!v]adj.(形容词)1. Tending to go backward or recede.退回的:有后退或退回倾向的2. Genetics Of, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele.【遗传学】 隐性基因的:属于、指向或与这种等位基因有关的,即当这种等位基因与主导等位基因同时出现时,它不产生显性后果3. Of or relating to a trait that is expressed only when the determining allele is present in the homozygous condition.隐性性状的:属于或与这种性质特点有关的,即在同型接合情况下,只有当决定性等位基因出现时它才会有所表现的特点性质n.Genetics (名词)【遗传学】 1. A recessive allele or trait.隐性基因,隐性性状2. An organism having a recessive trait.具隐性性状有机体继承用法:reces“sively  adv.(副词)reces“siveness  n.(名词)




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