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单词 attic
释义 attic['ætik]n. 阁楼, 顶楼【医】 鼓室上隐窝 attic  at.tic  AHD:  [²t“¹k] D.J.  [6#t!k]K.K.  [6#t!k]n.(名词)1. A story or room directly below the roof of a building, especially a house.顶楼,阁楼:建筑中,尤其是房子中间屋顶下面的楼层或房屋2. A low wall or story above the cornice of a classical façade.飞檐矮墙,飞檐矮楼:古典建筑中正面飞檐上的矮墙或矮楼语源:1. From Attic story [story of a building enclosed by one decorative structure placed above another, much taller decorative structure, usually involving the Attic order, an architectural order having square columns of any of the basic five orders] 源自 Attic story [房屋中紧挨装饰结构的一层,位于另一较高装饰结构上,通常包括古典式样,即五个基本柱式都是方形柱的式样] 2. from French attique 源自 法语 attique 3. from attique [Attic] 源自 attique [古典的,高雅的] 4. from Latin Atticus * see  Attic 源自 拉丁语 Atticus *参见 Attic Attic  At.tic  AHD:  [²t“¹k] D.J.  [6#t!k]K.K.  [6#t!k]adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Attica, Athens, or the Athenians.阿提卡的:属于、关于古阿提卡、雅典或雅典人的或以古阿提卡、雅典或雅典人为特征的2. Characterized by purity, simplicity, and elegant wit:谨严的,简朴的:以简朴,简练及文雅的机智为特征的:Attic prose.朴实的散文n.(名词)The ancient Greek dialect of Attica, in which the bulk of classical Greek literature is written.雅加地语:阿提卡的古希腊方言,绝大多数古希腊文学用该语书写语源:1. Latin Atticus 拉丁语 Atticus 2. from Greek Attikos 源自 希腊语 Attikos 3. from Attik¶ [Attica] 源自 阿提克 [阿提卡的]




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