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单词 reckless
释义 reckless['reklis]a. 不介意的, 大意的, 鲁莽的, 不顾后果的【法】 不注意的, 粗心大意的, 鲁莽的 reckless  reck.less  AHD:  [rµk“l¹s] D.J.  [6rekl!s]K.K.  [6rWkl!s]adj.(形容词)1. Heedless or careless.粗心的:不注意的或粗心大意的2. Headstrong; rash.鲁莽的:草率的;莽撞的3. Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences:不顾后果的:对后果不关心或忽视的:a reckless driver.横冲直撞的司机语源:1. Middle English reckeles 中古英语 reckeles 2. from Old English r¶cel¶as * see  reg- 源自 古英语 r¶cel¶as *参见 reg- 继承用法:reck“lessly  adv.(副词)reck“lessness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. reckless,rash,precipitate,foolhardy,temerarious2. These adjectives are compared as they mean given to or marked by unthinking boldness.当这些形容词都表不加思考的鲁莽的意思时,常把它们进行比较。3. Reckless  suggests brazen indifference to or defiant disregard for consequences: Reckless  指对后果厚颜无耻的冷漠或轻蔑的忽视: “James . . . became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans” (Macaulay).“詹姆士…变成了一个最鲁莽且不顾后果的党徒” (麦考利)。4. Rash   implies haste, impetuousness, and insufficient consideration: Rash  暗指匆忙、冲动且没有足够考虑的: “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash” (George S. Patton).“精细估算后再去冒这个险。这与鲁莽大大不同” (乔治·S·巴顿)。5. Precipitate   connotes headlong haste without due deliberation: Precipitate  暗示没有审慎考虑的轻率匆忙: “destroyed in a precipitate burning of his papers a few days before his death” (James Boswell).“在临死前的几天中他匆忙地烧毁了文件” (詹姆士·鲍斯韦尔)。6. Foolhardy   implies injudicious or imprudent boldness: Foolhardy  暗指不明智的或不谨慎的莽撞: One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijacker's hand.有一个人质莽撞地企图去夺劫机者手中的枪。7. Temerarious  suggests reckless presumption: Temerarious  指不顾后果的傲慢: “the temerarious use of Christian names” (H.G. Wells).“傲慢地使用教名” (H·G·威尔斯)




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