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单词 redoubt
释义 redoubt[ri'daut]n. 多面堡, 防御阵地 redoubt  re.doubt  AHD:  [r¹-dout“] D.J.  [r!6da&t]K.K.  [r!6da&t]n.(名词)1. A small, often temporary defensive fortification.小型防御工事:小型,常为暂时性的防御工事2. A reinforcing earthwork or breastwork within a permanent rampart.防守阵地,防护性障碍物:在永久性堡垒中加强土木工事或胸墙3. A protected place of refuge or defense.保护性藏身处,防御工事语源:1. French redoute 法语 redoute 2. from Italian ridotto 源自 意大利语 ridotto 3. from Medieval Latin reductus [concealed place] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 reductus [掩体] 4. from Latin [past participle of] red&9{¿}cere [to withdraw, lead back] * see  reduce 源自 拉丁语  [] red&9{¿}cere的过去分词 [撤回,撤出] *参见 reduce Redoubt  Re.doubt  AHD:  [r¶“dout”] ,Mount。D.J.  [6ri87da&t],Mount。K.K.  [6ri7da&t],Mount。NONE(无词性)A volcano, 3,111 m (10,200 ft) high, of southern Alaska. The highest peak of the Aleutian Range, it erupted in 1989 for the first time in 25 years.里道特山:阿拉斯加南部火山,高3,111米(10,200英尺)。它是阿留申山脉最高峰,25年来于1989年第一次爆发




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