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单词 Red River
释义 Red River  Red River  NONE(无词性)1. Or in China Jiang [y›-än“ jyäng“, yüän“] and in Vietnam Hong Ha [hông“ hä“]  or Song Hong [sông“ hông“] A river of southeast Asia rising in southern China and flowing about 1,175 km (730 mi) generally south through northern Vietnam to a fertile delta on the Gulf of Tonkin.或汉语名 Jiang [y›-än“ jyäng“, yüän“]  而越南语 Hong Ha [hông“ hä“]  或 Song Hong [sông“ hông“] 红河:发源于中国南部的亚洲东南部河流,流程约1,175公里(730英里),大致向南穿过越南北部,经肥沃的三角洲流入东京湾2. A river of the south-central United States rising in two branches in the Texas Panhandle and flowing about 1,638 km (1,018 mi) eastward along the Texas-Oklahoma border and into Arkansas, where it changes direction and flows southward into Louisiana and then southeast to the Mississippi River.雷德河:美国中南部的河流,两条支流均发源于得克萨斯州柄状狭长地带,流程约1,638公里(1,018英里),向东沿得克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马两州的边界进入阿肯色州,然后转向向南流经路易斯安那州,最后流向东南汇入密西西比河3. Also Red River of the North A river of the north-central United States and south-central Canada formed by the confluence of two tributaries in west-central Minnesota and flowing about 499 km (310 mi) north along the Minnesota-North Dakota border into southeast Manitoba, Canada, where it empties into Lake Winnipeg. TheRed River Valley  is a fertile region for growing wheat, flax, and barley. 也作 Red River of the North 里德河:美国中北部和加拿大中南部的河流,由发源于明尼苏达州中西部的两个支流汇合而成,流程约499公里(310英里),向北沿明尼苏达州和北达科他州边界流入加拿大马尼托巴省东南部,汇入温尼伯湖。红河河谷 是一个种植小麦、亚麻和大麦的肥沃地区




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