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单词 reeling
释义 reeling  AHD:  [r¶“l¹ng] D.J.  [6ri8l!0]K.K.  [6ril!0]n.Maine (名词)【缅因州】 Sustained noise, as from hammering:喧嚣:持续的噪音,如锤子敲击的声音:“Hark that reeling, now, you'll wake the baby!”(&b{Anonymous})“现在听那击锤声,你要把孩子吵醒了!”(匿名者)注释:In the granite quarries of Maine,stones for paving were once shaped by men using small hammers calledreels.  Crews of 30 men at a time would use these hammers.The resulting “shattering noise as the pieces of the granite were shaped. . . . gave Mainers a word for any sustained hubbub—reelin' ” (John Gould). Reeling   can denote noise made by humans as well: She told the children to hush their reeling. 在美国缅因州的花岗石采石场,人们用叫做reels 的小锤来使石头成形以用来铺设地面。 30人将同时使用这些手锤。“在使一块块花岗石成形时的破裂声给了缅因州人一个用来形容任何持续的吵闹声的词语——reelin' ” (约翰.古德)。 Reeling  还可以表示人发出的噪声: “她让喧闹的孩子安静下来”




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