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单词 regard
释义 regard[ri'gɑ:d]n. 关心, 注意, 尊敬, 关系, 问候vt. 视为, 注意, 考虑, 和...有关, 看待vi. 注视, 注意【医】 注视相关词组:turn one's regard on sblook at sb with a kind regardhave a high regard for sb's opinionhave a low regard for sb's opinionhold sb in high regardin regard toin this regardwithout regard topay regard towith regard toregard A as B regard  re.gard  AHD:  [r¹-gärd“] D.J.  [r!6g$8d]K.K.  [r!6g$rd]v.(动词)  re.gard.ed,,re.gards及物动词)1. To look at attentively; observe closely.打量:留神地观看;仔细观察2. To look upon or consider in a particular way:看待:以某种特殊的方式看待或思考:I regard him as a fool.我把他看作一个傻瓜3. To hold in esteem or respect:尊敬:带着尊敬或敬重:She regards her teachers highly.她极为尊敬老师4. To relate or refer to; concern:与…相关:相关或与…有关;涉及:This item regards their liability.这一项涉及到他们的可靠性5. To take into account; consider.考虑;思考:考虑进去;考虑6. Obsolete To take care of.【废语】 照顾v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To look or gaze.看,凝视2. To give heed; pay attention.留心;注意n.(名词)1. A look or gaze.看,凝视2. Careful thought or attention; heed:留意:仔细地考虑或注意;留心:She gives little regard to her appearance.她不太注重外表3. Respect, affection, or esteem:尊敬,喜爱,敬重:He has high regard for your work.他十分敬重你的工作4. regards Good wishes expressing such sentiment:regards 问候:表达这类感情的美好祝愿:Give the family my best regards.祝您全家幸福5. A particular point or aspect; respect:方面:特定的观点或方面;方面:She was lucky in that regard.在那方面她很幸运6. Basis for action; motive.动机:行动的基础;动机7. Obsolete Appearance or aspect.【废语】 外表,外观习惯用语:as regards  Concerning.关于in regard to 或  with regard to  With respect to.关于语源:1. Middle English regarden 中古英语 regarden 2. from Old French regarder 源自 古法语 regarder 3. re- [re-] re- [前缀,表“又,再”] 4. guarder [to guard]  [of Germanic origin] * see  guard guarder [保卫]  [源于日耳曼语] *参见 guard参考词汇:1. regard,esteem,admiration,respect2. These nouns refer to a feeling based on perception of and a measure of approval for the worth of a person or thing.这些名词指基于对一个人或物的价值肯定的感受及衡量而建立的感情。3. Regard  is the least forceful and most general: Regard  是力度最小和最常用的词: “I once thought you had a kind of regard for her” (George Borrow).“我以前曾认为你对她有些尊敬之意” (乔治·保罗)。4. Esteem  connotes considered appraisal and positive regard: Esteem  意为经过考虑的认可和敬重: “The near-unanimity of esteem he enjoyed during his lifetime has by no means been sustained since”  (Will Crutchfield).“在世期间他所受到的一致尊敬在他去世后却一去不复返” (威尔·克拉士弗尔德)。5. Admiration  is a feeling of keen approbation: Admiration  是一种由衷赞许的感情: “Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excite love, interest, and admiration” (Matthew Arnold).“伟大是一种值得深深热爱、推崇和钦佩的精神境界” (马修·阿诺德)。6. Respect  implies appreciative, often deferential regard resulting from careful assessment: Respect  暗示经过仔细评估而产生感激且常为恭敬的感情: “I have a great respect for any man who makes his own way in life” (Winston Churchill).See also Synonyms at  &b{consider} “我对在生活中走自己路的人充满敬佩之情” (温斯顿·丘吉尔)参见同义词 consider用法:Regard  is traditionally used in the singular in the phrase in regard  (not in regards ) to. Regarding and as regards  are also standard in the sense “with reference to.” In the same sensewith respect to  is acceptable, butrespecting  is not. · Respects  is sometimes considered preferable to regards  in the sense of “particulars”: In some respects  (not regards ) the books are alike.  Regard 传统上以单数形式出现在词组 in regard 中(而不是 in regards ) to。 Regarding和 as regards 也是正规用法,意为“关于…。” 具有同样意义的with respect to 也是可以接受的, 但用respecting 就不可以了。 在表示“个别”时,有时respects 比 regards 更适合: In some respects (而不用 regards ) the books are alike。  




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