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单词 regionalism
释义 regionalismn. 行政区的划分, 地方主义, 地方色彩, 地区性, 地区特征 regionalism  AHD:  [r¶“j…-n…-l¹z”…m] D.J.  [6ri8d9*n*7l!z*m]K.K.  [6rid9*n*7l!z*m]n.(名词)1. Political division of an area into partially autonomous regions.地方分权制:部分自治区域的正当划分2. Advocacy of such a political system.地方分权主义:提倡这样的政治制度的主义3. Loyalty to the interests of a particular region.地方主义:对特定的地方利益的忠诚4. A feature, such as an expression, a pronunciation, or a custom, that is characteristic of a geographic area.方言词语:带方地方性特征的特色,如表达方式,发音或风俗5. The use of regional characteristics, as of locale, custom, or speech, in literature or art.地方色彩:地方性特点,如事件的现场,风俗或话语在文学或艺术中的使用6. A policy whereby the interests of a nation in world affairs are defined in terms of particular countries or regions.区域政策:在世界事务中一国的利益以特定的几个国家或地区的定义来确定的政策继承用法:re“gionalist  n.(名词)adj.(形容词)re”gionalis“tic  adj.(形容词)




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