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单词 reinvent
释义 reinvent  AHD:  [r¶”¹n-vµnt“] D.J.  [7ri8!n6vent]K.K.  [7ri!n6vWnt]及物动词),, 1. To make over completely:彻底重做:She kept trying to reinvent herself as an actress.她一再试图从头做起做一个演员2. To bring back into existence or use:重新确立或使用:reinvented the concept of neighborliness.重新确立睦邻的概念习惯用语:reinvent the wheel  1. To do something again, from the beginning, especially in a needless or inefficient effort:重做:从头开始重新做某事,特别是不需要的或无效率的努力:“School districts need not reinvent the wheel every time they try to improve their schools”(&b{Washington Post})“每次试图改善学校状况时学校区用不着每次都从头重新做”(华盛顿邮报)2. To recast something familiar or old into a different form:改头换面:把相同的或旧的东西重新以另外的形式表现出来:“Call it reinventing the wheel or recasting old ideas, but these contemporary versions have a spirit and style all their own”(&b{New York Times})“称它是重新从头做也好,重新表达老主意也好,但是这些当代的版本有它们自己的精神和风格”(纽约时报)




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