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单词 audit
释义 audit['ɒ:dit]n. 审计, 查帐vt. 查(帐), 旁听vi. 查账【计】 查帐; 审查; 检查【经】 审计, 会计检查, 稽核 audit  au.dit  AHD:  [ô“d¹t] D.J.  [6%8d!t]K.K.  [6%d!t]n.Abbr. aud.(名词)缩写 aud.1. An examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy.查帐:对财政帐务的审查记录来核实其准确性2. An adjustment or correction of accounts.帐务调整,帐务修改3. An examined and verified account.审核及查证过的帐簿v.(动词)  au.dit.ed,,au.dits及物动词)1. To examine, verify, or correct the financial accounts of:审计:审核、查证或校正帐目:Independent accountants audit the company annually. The IRS audits questionable income tax returns.独立会计师每年审计公司帐目。美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得税报告2. To attend (a course) without requesting or receiving academic credit.旁听:不要求或得到学分而参加(某一科目)学习v.intr.(不及物动词)To examine financial accounts.审计:审核财政帐目语源:1. Middle English  influenced by auditor [auditor] 中古英语  受 auditor的影响 [审计员] 2. from Latin aud&9{ºtus} [a hearing] [from past participle of] aud&9{º}re [to hear] * see  au- 源自 拉丁语 aud&9{ºtus} [听力,听觉]  [] 源自aud&9{º}re的过去分词 [听] *参见 au-




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