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单词 remainder
释义 remainder[ri'meində]n. 剩余物, 其他人, 残余, 余数vt. 削价出售(图书)vi. 削价出售(图书)a. 剩余的, 出售削价剩书的【计】 余数【经】 剩余物, 残余部份, 地产的指定继承权 remainder  re.main.der  AHD:  [r¹-m³n“d…r] D.J.  [r!6me!nd*]K.K.  [r!6mend+]n.(名词)1. Something left over after other parts have been taken away.剩余,存余者:其他部分被拿走之后遗留下来的东西2. Mathematics 【数学】 3. The number left over when one integer is divided by another. The remainder plus the product of the quotient times the divisor equals the dividend.余数:被除以除数之后的余数。余项加上商和除数的积等于被除数4. The number obtained when one number is subtracted from another; the difference.差数:一个数减去另一个数后得到的数;差值5. Law An estate in land that is conveyed only after the termination of a preceding estate created at the same time.【法律】 剩余权利,残留权:在同时产生的以前地产的终止之后才能转让的地产6. A book that remains with a publisher after sales have fallen off, usually sold at a reduced price.滞销的存书:在销售下降之后仍然留在出版商手中的书,通常削价出售及物动词)  re.main.dered,,re.main.ders To dispose of as a remainder.以库存书处理语源:1. Middle English [second party's right of ownership] 中古英语 [第二政党的所有权] 2. from Anglo-Norman 源自 英法语 3. from remeindre [to remain] 源自 remeindre [剩余] 4. variant of Old French remaindre, remainer * see  remain 古法语 remaindre的变体, remainer *参见 remain参考词汇:1. remainder,rest,balance,residue,residuum,remnant,leavings,remains2. These nouns are compared as they denote what is left after a part has been used or subtracted.这些名词在指一部分被用掉或减去后留下的东西时,通常进行相互比较。3. Remainder   andrest,  used interchangeably, are the least specific: Remainder  和rest 可相互换用, 它们是最不具体的词: will spend the remainder (or &I{rest} ) &I{of the day relaxing.} 要轻松地度过一天中剩下的时光(或者 rest ) 。 4. Balance,  which often specifically refers to an amount of money left in a bank account after withdrawals and to an unpaid amount due on a charge account,in its general sense is synonymous withremainder  and rest :  Balance  经常具体地指银行户头中提取钱款后剩余的并留给应付款收费帐号的钱,在这个意义上和remainder 和 rest 是同义词:  the balance of the audience cheered.其余的观众欢呼起来 。5. Residue   andresiduum  refer especially to what is left after something has undergone dissolution, depletion, or diminution:  Residue  和residuum 特指某物经历了溶解、损耗或缩减之后剩下的东西:  “After elimination of all verbiage, this fact was the only residuum” (John Lothrop Motley).“在剔除所有的赘语之后,剩下的就只有这个事实了” (约翰·洛斯鲁普·穆特利)。6. Remnant  denotes a small piece or quantity remaining after the major part has been used: Remnant  暗指主要部分被用掉之后遗留下来的小片或很少的数量: “I saw his &I{brindled cow feeding on fish remnants”}  (Herman Melville).“我看见他的 用鱼杂碎喂养的斑纹奶牛”  (海尔曼·梅尔维尔)。7. Leavings  are the culls remaining after what is valuable has been taken away: Leavings  指有价值的东西被拿走之后剩下的劣质品: dispose of the remains of dinner. 处理晚饭的残迹




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