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单词 remove
释义 remove[ri'mu:v]vt. 移动, 调动, 除去, 迁移, 开除, 移交vi. 迁移, 移动, 搬家n. 班级, 升级, 移动, 搬家, 间距【计】 删除相关词组:remove fromremove toremove sb from school remove  re.move  AHD:  [r¹-m›v“] D.J.  [r!6mu8v]K.K.  [r!6muv]v.(动词)  re.moved,,re.moves及物动词)1. To move from a place or position occupied:移动:从占有的地方或位子上挪开:removed the dishes from the table.把盘子从桌上拿走2. To transfer or convey from one place to another:迁移:从一个地方转移到另一个地方:removed the family to the West Coast.把家迁移到西海岸3. To take off:取下:removed her jewelry.取下她的首饰4. To take away; withdraw:拿走,撤回:removed his name from consideration.他的名字排除在考虑的范围之外5. To do away with; eliminate:处理掉;排除:remove a stain.把污迹和洗掉6. To dismiss from office.开除职务v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To change one's place of residence or business; move:搬迁:改变住宅或生意的地点;搬家:“In 1751, I removed from the country to the town”(&b{David Hume})“在1751年我从乡下搬到了镇上”(戴维·休姆)2. To go away; depart.走开;离开3. To be removable:可动的:可以移动的:paint that removes with water.能用水冲走的油漆n.(名词)1. The act of removing;移动的动作;移动2. Distance or degree of separation or remoteness:间距:分开或遥远的距离或程度:“to spill, though at a safe remove, the blood of brave men”(&b{Anthony Burgess})“去作为勇士而流血,尽管这是个安全的间距”(安东尼·伯吉斯)语源:1. Middle English removen 中古英语 removen 2. from Old French remouvoir 源自 古法语 remouvoir 3. from Latin remov¶re 源自 拉丁语 remov¶re 4. re- [re-] re- [前缀re-] 5. mov¶re [to move] * see  move mov¶re [搬家] *参见 move继承用法:remov“er  n.(名词)




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