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单词 rendezvous
释义 rendezvous['rɒndivu:]n. 约会, 约会地点vt. 集合, 集结, 在约定场所会面vi. 集合, 集结, 在约定场所会面【计】 会合 rendezvous  ren.dez.vous  AHD:  [rän“d³-v›”, -d…-] D.J.  [6r$8nde!7vu8, -d*-]K.K.  [6r$nde7vu, -d*-]n.(名词)  【复数】 ren.dez.vous[-v›z”]  1. A meeting at a prearranged time and place.See Synonyms at engagement 约会;会面:在预先安排好的时间和地点的会面参见 engagement2. A prearranged meeting place, especially an assembly point for troops or ships.会面地点;指定集合地:预先安排好的会面的地点,尤指部队或船只的集合地点3. A popular gathering place:受欢迎的聚会地方:The café is a favorite rendezvous for artists.咖啡馆是艺术家们向往的聚会地4. Aerospace The process of bringing two spacecraft together.【太空学】 点会合:把两个宇宙飞船连接在一起的过程及物动词和不及物动词)  ren.dez.voused[-v›d”][-v›”¹ng] ren.dez.vous[-v›z”]  To cause to assemble or to assemble at a prearranged time and place.在指定的地点集合:使在预先约定的时间和地点集结语源:1. French 法语 2. from the phrase rendez vous [present yourselves] 源自片语 rendez vous [介绍你们自己] 3. from Old French 源自 古法语 4. rendez [second person pl. imperative of] rendre [to present] * see  render rendez  [] rendre的祈使语气动词的第二人称复数 [介绍] *参见 render5. vous [yourselves, you]  from Latin v½s [you] * see  w&9{Ò}s vous [你们自己,你们]  源自 拉丁语 v½s [你] *参见 w&9{Ò}s 注释:A word that refers to the process of bringing two spacecraft together and to a meeting between lovers might be thought to have a source having to do with connection.The history ofrendezvous,  however, had originally to do with the process of getting to a meeting place. The French wordrendezvous,  which English borrowed, is made up of the second person plural imperative of the verb rendre,  meaning in this case “to present or betake,” and vous,  the second person plural reflexive pronoun meaning “yourselves.” The wordrendezvous  in French denoted the place at which you were supposed to present yourselves or the meeting you were to attend. The first recorded use of the word in English (1591) is for a place where troops are to assemble.用来指把两个宇宙飞船连接在一起的过程或者情人之间的约会的某个词语可能被认为具有与连接有关的词源。然而,rendezvous 一词的历史最初与前往某个会面地点的过程有关。 Rendzvous 这一英语中借用的法语词语是由意为“出现或去往”的动词 rendre 的第二人称复数的祈使形态以及意为“你们自己”的 vous 的第二人称复数的反身代词构成的。 在法语中,rendezvous 一词指的是你被期望要出现的地方或者你将要参加的会议。 在英语中该词的第一个有记载的用法(1951年)是指军队将要集合的地方




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