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单词 renew
释义 renew[ri'nju:]vt. 使更新, 使恢复, 复兴, 修补, 补充, 继续, 重订, 重申, 续借vi. 更新, 重新开始【经】 更新, 修补, 补充 renew  AHD:  [r¹-n›“, -ny›“] D.J.  [r!6nu8, -6nju8]K.K.  [r!6nu, -6nju]v.(动词)  re.newed,,及物动词)1. To make new or as if new again; restore:使更新:使或者似乎使…再次变新;修复:renewed the antique chair.修复那把旧式椅子2. To take up again; resume:重新开始;继续:renew an old friendship; renewed the argument.重续旧日友谊;重新开始讨论3. To repeat so as to reaffirm:重复以便再次证实:renew a promise.重申诺言4. To regain or restore the physical or mental vigor of; revive:使恢复:重新得到或恢复体力或精力;复原:I renewed my spirits in the country air.在乡村的空气中我恢复了精力5. To arrange for the extension of:给…展期:renew a contract; renew a magazine subscription.准予合同展期;续订杂志6. To arrange to extend the loan of:续借:延长…的借期:renewed the library books before they were overdue.在图书馆的书到期前续借7. To replenish:补充:renewed the water in the humidifier.给加湿器重新注满水8. To bring into being again; reestablish.使…重现;重建v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become new again.更新2. To start over.重新开始语源:1. Middle English renewen 中古英语 renewen 2. re- [re-] re- [重新] 3. newen [to renew]  from new [new] * see  new newen [更新]  源自 new [新的] *参见 new继承用法:renew“er  n.(名词)




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