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单词 reprieve
释义 reprieve[ri'pri:v]n. 缓刑, 缓刑令, 暂缓vt. 暂时解救, 缓期执行【法】 暂缓, 暂止, 缓刑; 缓刑, 暂缓行刑 reprieve  re.prieve  AHD:  [r¹-pr¶v“] D.J.  [r!6pri8v]K.K.  [r!6priv]及物动词)  re.prieved,,re.prieves 1. To postpone or cancel the punishment of.暂缓处刑:缓期执行或取消对…惩罚2. To bring relief to.给…带来缓解n.(名词)1. Postponement or cancellation of a punishment.缓刑;取消刑罚的令状2. A warrant for such an action.对这一行为的担保3. Temporary relief, as from danger or pain.暂缓:从危险或痛楚中暂时解救语源:1. Alteration  influenced by Middle English repreven [to contradict]  variant of reproven [to rebuke] * see  reprove  受 中古英语 repreven的影响 [抵触]   reproven的变体 [制止] *参见 reprove2. of Middle English reprien 中古英语 reprien的变化 3. probably from Old French repris [past participle of] reprendre [to take back] 可能源自 古法语 repris  [] reprendre的过去分词 [收回] 4. from Latin reprehendere [to hold back] * see  reprehend 源自 拉丁语 reprehendere [抑制] *参见 reprehend继承用法:repriev“able  adj.(形容词)




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