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单词 reveille
释义 reveille[ri'væli]n. 起床号, 晨号, 晨号列队 reveille  rev.eil.le  AHD:  [rµv“…-l¶] D.J.  [6rev*li8]K.K.  [6rWv*li]n.(名词)1. The sounding of a bugle early in the morning to awaken and summon people in a camp or garrison.起床号,早操列队号:清晨唤起营地或驻地里的人们集合的号音2. This bugle call or its equivalent.此号音或其同等音3. The first military formation of the day.晨号列队:一天的第一次军事列队4. A signal to get up out of bed.起床的信号语源:1. Alteration of French réveillez [second person imperative pl. of] réveiller [to wake] 法语 réveillez的变化  [] réveiller的第二人称祈使语气动词 [唤醒] 2. from Old French resveiller 源自 古法语 resveiller 3. re- [re-] re- [表示“再”] 4. esveiller [to awake] esveiller [唤醒] 5. from Vulgar Latin *exvigil³re  Latin ex- [ex-]  Latin vigil³re [to stay awake] 源自 俗拉丁语 *exvigil³re  拉丁语 ex- [表示“出自”]  拉丁语 vigil³re [醒着] 6. from vigil [awake] * see  weg- 源自 vigil [醒的] *参见 weg-




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