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单词 revenue
释义 revenue['revinju:]n. 收入, 岁入, 税收, 税务局【经】 岁入, 税收, 税务局 revenue  rev.e.nue  AHD:  [rµv“…-n›, -ny›] D.J.  [6rev*nu8, -nju8]K.K.  [6rWv*nu, -nju]n.Abbr. rev.(名词)缩写 rev.1. The income of a government from all sources appropriated for the payment of the public expenses.收入:从各种来源的政府收入拨给支付公共支出的费用2. Yield from property or investment; income.收益:来自财产或投资的收益;收入3. All the income produced by a particular source.收入:由特殊来源产生的所有收入4. A governmental department set up to collect public funds.税署:为收集公共基金而建的政府部门语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French [from feminine past participle of] revenir [to return] 源自 古法语  [] 源自revenir的阴性过去分词 [归还] 3. from Latin reven&9{ºre} 源自 拉丁语 reven&9{ºre} 4. re- [re-] re- [前缀,表示“再”] 5. ven&9{ºre} [to come] * see  g w³- ven&9{ºre} [来] *参见 g w³-




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