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单词 review
释义 review[ri'vju:]n. 检讨, 复习, 回顾, 检阅, 评论vt. 温习, 检讨, 评论, 再检察, 复审vi. 复习功课, 写评论【经】 评论, 回顾, 再检查相关词组:pass sth in review review  re.view  AHD:  [r¹-vy›“] D.J.  [r!6vju8]K.K.  [r!6vju]v.(动词)  re.viewed,,re.views及物动词)1. To look over, study, or examine again.复习,检查:重新仔细察看、研究或检查2. To consider retrospectively; look back on.回顾:回顾性地考虑;对…进行回顾3. To examine with an eye to criticism or correction:批评,评论:用批评或纠正的眼光检查:reviewed the research findings.评论研究发现4. To write or give a critical report on (a new work or performance, for example).写评论:给(例如一本新著作或行为)写或给予评论5. Law To reexamine (an action or a determination) judicially, especially in a higher court, in order to correct possible errors.【法律】 再审:为纠正(法律行动或裁决)可能发生的错误而进行公正地复查,尤指在较高法庭中6. To subject to a formal inspection, especially a military inspection.阅兵:使经受正式视查,尤指军事检阅v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To go over or restudy material:温习,复习:复习或重新研究材料:reviewing for a final exam.复习准备期末考试2. To write critical reviews, especially for a newspaper or magazine.写评论:写评论,尤指为报纸或杂志写评论n.Abbr. rev.(名词)缩写 rev.1. A reexamination or reconsideration.再调查:重新检查或重新考虑2. A retrospective view or survey.检查,检阅:回顾的观点或调查3. A restudying of subject matter.温习:对主题的重新研究4. An exercise for use in restudying material.作业,练习:在重新研究材料中使用的练习5. An inspection or examination for the purpose of evaluation.评估:为评价而进行的视察或检查6. A report or an essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance.评论:给出对一部著作或行为批评性评价的报告或评论7. A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, or art.定期专栏评论:时事、文学及艺术方面文章或评论的期刊8. A formal military inspection.正式阅兵:正式的军事检阅9. A formal military ceremony held in honor of a person or an occasion.正式阅兵式:为表彰个人或重大事件而举行的正式军事庆典10. Law A judicial reexamination, especially by a higher court, of an action or a determination.【法律】 重审:法庭对法律行为或裁决的重新审查,尤指通过高级法庭而进行的重新审查11. A musical show consisting of often satirical skits, songs, and dances; a revue.讽刺时事的滑稽戏:通常由讽刺短剧、歌曲及舞蹈构成的音乐表演剧;时事讽刺剧语源:1. Probably from Middle English [inspection of military forces] 可能源自 中古英语 [视察军队] 2. from Old French revue [review] [from feminine past participle of] reveeir [to see again] 源自 古法语 revue [评论]  [] 源自reveeir的阴性过去分词 [再看] 3. from Latin revid¶re 源自 拉丁语 revid¶re 4. re- [re-] re- [前缀,表“又,再”] 5. vid¶re [to see] * see  weid- vid¶re [看见] *参见 weid- 继承用法:review“able  adj.(形容词)




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