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单词 author
释义 author['ɒ:θə]n. 作家, 作家的著作, 创始人【法】 作者, 著作人, 本人 author  au.thor  AHD:  [ô“th…r] D.J.  [6%8G*]K.K.  [6%G+]n.(名词)1. Abbr. auth.,au缩写 auth.,au2. The original writer of a literary work.作者:某一文学作品的原作者3. One who practices writing as a profession.职业作家:以写作为职业的人4. An originator or creator:创始人:创作者或制造者:the author of a new theory.这一新理论的创始人5. Author God.Author 创世者:上帝及物动词)  au.thored,,au.thors 【用法疑难】 To assume responsibility for the content of (a published or an unpublished text).有权修改者:对(已出版或未出版作品之)内容负有责任者语源:1. Middle English auctour 中古英语 auctour 2. from Old French autor 源自 古法语 autor 3. from Latin auctor [creator] 源自 拉丁语 auctor [创造者] 4. from auctus [past participle of] aug¶re [to create] * see  aug- 源自 auctus  [] aug¶re的过去分词 [创造] *参见 aug- 继承用法:author“ial  AHD:  [ô-thôr“¶-…l, ô-th¼r“-] (形容词)用法:The verbauthor,  which had been out of use for a long period, has been rejuvenated in recent years with the sense “to assume responsibility for the content of a published text.” As such it is not quite synonymous with the verbwrite ; one can write, but not author, a love letter or an unpublished manuscript,and the writer who ghostwrites a book for a celebrity cannot be said to have “authored” the creation. The sentenceHe has authored a dozen books on the subject  was unacceptable to 74 percent of the Usage Panel, probably because it implies that the fact of having a book published is worthy of special lexical distinction, a notion that sits poorly with conventional literary sensibilities,and which seems to smack of press agentry.The sentenceThe Senator authored a bill limiting uses of desert lands in California  was similarly rejected by 64 percent of the Panel, though here the usage is common journalistic practice,and is perhaps justified by the observation that we do not expect that legislators will actually write the bills to which they attach their names. ·The verbcoauthor  is well established in reference to scientific and scholarly publications, where it serves a useful purpose,since the people listed as authors of such works routinely include research collaborators who have played no part in the actual writing of the text,but who are nonetheless entitled to credit for the published results.动词author, 很长一段时间不再使用, 近年来又以“对某一出版作品的内容负有责任”的含义重新起用。因此,它已不完全同动词write 同义; 一个人可以写一封求爱信或未出版的草稿,但不是作者,某一人即使雇人写出一篇杰作也不能说是“创作”了作品。对句子他已就这个论题创作了十二部作品 74%的用法专题小组不能接受, 可能因为它暗示着一个事实,即一本已出版的书一定有特别的词汇意义上区别的价值,这是与传统文学观念不太相容的概念,并带有出版机构的意味。此句参议员提出了一个限制使用加利福尼亚地区沙漠土地的议案 ,同样有64%的用法专题小组成员不能接受, 虽然这里这种用法是新闻界实践的惯用。这恐怕是因为我们并不希望立法人员真的是写作一项议案然后在其上署上他们的名字吧。·动词coauthor 是在科学及学术发表论文的意义上建立的, 这里这个词的使用有一个重要意义,因为创作者名单上列出作为这部作品创作者的人通常包括共同研究人员,既使他们实际上并未参加写作,但不可否认地对出版物的结果做出了贡献




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