释义 |
right-brained right-brained AHD: [rºt“br³nd“] also right-brain [-br³n“] D.J. [6ra!t6bre!nd] also right-brain [6bre!n]K.K. [6ra!t6brend] also right-brain [6bren]adj.(形容词)1. Having the right brain dominant.右脑主导的2. Of or relating to the thought processes involved in creativity and imagination, generally associated with the right brain.右脑行思考方式:属于或关于包含创造力和想象力的思考过程,通常和右脑有关3. Of or relating to a person whose behavior is dominated by emotion, creativity, intuition, nonverbal communication, and global reasoning rather than logic and analysis.非逻辑思考者的:属于或关于行为被情绪、创造力、直觉、非语言交流和综合推理,而非逻辑和分析所主导者的 |