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单词 Rio de Janeiro
释义 Rio de Janeiro  Ri.o de  AHD:  [r¶“½ d³ zh…-nâr“½, d¶-, r¶“‹ d¹ zh¹-n³“r‹]  Familiarly known as “Rio.”D.J.  [6ri8*& de! 9*6ne*r*&, di8-, 6ri8& d! 9!6ne!r&] Familiarly known as “Rio.”K.K.  [6rio de 9*6nWro, di-, 6ri& d! 9!6ner&] Familiarly known as “Rio.”NONE(无词性)A city of southeast Brazil on Guanabara Bay, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. According to tradition, it was first visited in January 1502 by Portuguese explorers who believed Guanabara Bay to be the mouth of a river and therefore named the city Rio de Janeiro (“River of January”). It became capital of the colony of Brazil in 1763, of the Brazilian empire in 1822, and of the independent country in 1889. In 1960 the capital was transferred to Brasília. Population, 5,090,700.里约热内卢,“里奥”:巴西东南一城市,濒临关纳巴拉湾,大西洋的一个海湾。根据传统说法,葡萄牙探险家们首先于1502年1月到达这里,他们相信关纳巴拉湾是某条河流的出口,所以他们把该城称作里约热内卢(意为“一月的河流”)。1763年它成为巴西殖民地的首府,1822年又成为巴西帝国的首府,1889年成为独立后国家的首府。1960年,首都迁往巴西利亚。人口5,090,700




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