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单词 Riot Act
释义 Riot Act  Ri.ot Act  AHD:  [rº“…t] D.J.  [6ra!*t]K.K.  [6ra!*t]n.(名词)An English law, enacted in 1715, providing that if 12 or more people unlawfully assemble and disturb the public peace, they must disperse upon proclamation or be considered guilty of felony.取缔闹事法:1715年颁布的一项英国法令,规定12个或更多个非法集合扰乱治安者,经宣读此法令后应立即解散,否则按重罪处罚习惯用语:read the riot act  To warn or reprimand energetically or forcefully:提出警告:有力地或强制地警告或训斥:The teacher read the riot act to the rowdy class.老师狠狠地警告喧闹的全班同学注释:The riot act has been read to far more people than it once covered, thanks to a figurative development in meaning of the original sense of the term.The official Riot Act was enacted by Parliament in 1715 to discourage unlawful assembly and disturbances of the peace.The act provided that if 12 or more people gathered unlawfully or for purposes of disturbing the peace,a portion of the Riot Act would be read to them,and if the assembled did not disperse by one hour after this reading,they would then be guilty of felony.The Riot Act, which was not repealed until 1973,became a part of the public consciousness literally (the term is first recorded in 1731)and then figuratively in the phraseto read the riot act,  meaning “to warn forcefully.”The first use ofriot act  in this way is found in a work published in 1819: “She has just run out to read the riot act in the Nursery.”由于该词在原来意义基础上比喻意义的发展, “取缔闹事法”所宣读的对象比原来覆盖的范围要多得多。官方的《取缔闹事法》是在1715年由议会颁布的,目的在于防止非法集会和扰乱社会治安。该法令规定:如十二个或十二个以上的人非法集会或为扰乱社会治安之目的而聚集,则向他们宣读一部分《取缔闹事法》,如集会者不在此宣读后一小时内解散,则课以重罪。“取缔闹事法”直到1973年才废止,从字面意义上讲,它成为公众意识的一部分(该词最早记录于1731年),而从比喻意义上说用在短语to read the riot act 中, 表示“严正警告”。riot act 的这种用法首次出现于1819年出版的一部作品中: “她刚好跑出来严厉警告幼儿园的孩子们”




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