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单词 road
释义 road[rəud]n. 路, 道路, 公路, 途径, 方法【法】 公路, 道路, 行车道相关词组:take the roadtake the road oftake to the roadby roadhit the roadon the road road  road  AHD:  [r½d] D.J.  [r*&d]K.K.  [rod]n.Abbr. rd.,Rd.,r.,R.(名词)缩写 rd.,Rd.,r.,R.1. An open, generally public way for the passage of vehicles, people, and animals.路:一种通常供车辆、人和动物通行的可通行公共道路2. The surface of a road; a roadbed.路的表面;路床3. A course or path.道路或路径4. A railroad.铁路5. Often roads Nautical A roadstead.常作 roads 【航海】 开敞锚地习惯用语:on the road  1. On tour, as a theatrical company.如一剧团公司旅行2. Traveling, especially as a salesperson.尤指销售员为兜揽生意四处奔走而旅行3. Wandering, as a vagabond.流浪汉等流浪语源:1. Middle English rode, rade [a riding, road] 中古英语 rode, rade [马道,道路] 2. from Old English r³d * see  reidh- 源自 古英语 r³d *参见 reidh-




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