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单词 Robinson
释义 Robinson 1  AHD:  [r¼b“¹n-s…n] Edward G. (1893-1973) D.J.  [6rKb!ns*n]K.K.  [6r$b!ns*n]NONE(无词性)American actor known for his portrayal of gangsters in motion pictures, includingLittle Caesar  (1930). 鲁宾逊,爱德华·G:(1893-1973) 以在动作片中饰演强盗角色而出名的美国电影演员,他演的影片包括《小凯撒》 (1930年)  Robinson 2  Robinson&B{Edwin Arlington} (&b{1869-1935})  NONE(无词性)American poet whose works include long narratives and character studies of New Englanders, including “Miniver Cheevy” (1910).罗宾逊,埃德温:(1869-1935) 美国诗人,其作品包括长篇叙事诗和新英格兰人的性格研究,包括“米尼弗·切微”(1910年) Robinson 3  Robinson&B{(Esmé Stuart) Lennox} (&b{1886-1958})  NONE(无词性)Irish playwright and manager of the Abbey Theater in Dublin (1910-1914 and 1919-1923). His own plays includeThe Whiteheaded Boy  (1920). 鲁宾逊,(艾斯米·斯图尔特)伦诺克斯:(1886-1958) 爱尔兰剧作家,曾任都伯林艾比剧院的经理(1910-1914和1919-1923年),其剧本包括《白头少年》 (1920年)  Robinson 4  Robinson&B{Jack Roosevelt}  Known as &b{“Jackie.”}(&b{1919-1972})  NONE(无词性)American baseball player. The first Black player in the major leagues, he was a second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers (1947-1956), had a lifetime batting average of .311, and was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962.鲁宾逊,杰克·罗斯福:(1919-1972) 美国棒球运动员,他是棒球联合总会的第一名黑人棒球运动员,曾是布鲁克林道奇队的二垒守垒员(1947-1956年),他一生的击球率为.311,1962年被选进美国棒球荣誉厅 Robinson 5  Robinson&B{James Harvey} (&b{1863-1936})  NONE(无词性)American historian who stressed the importance of social and intellectual events on the course of history. He was a founder of the New School for Social Research in New York City (1919).鲁宾逊,詹姆斯·哈维:(1863-1936) 强调在历史进程中社会事件和智力活动重要性的美国历史学家,他是纽约市社会研究新学院的创建者之一(1919年) Robinson 6  Robinson&B{Ray}  Known as &b{“Sugar Ray.”}(&b{1921-1989})  NONE(无词性)American prizefighter who was world champion six times, once as a welterweight (1946-1951) and five times as a middleweight (1951-1960).鲁宾逊,雷:(1921-1989) 曾六次获世界冠军称号的美国职业拳击手,一次作为次中量级职业拳击手夺冠(1946-1951年),五次作为轻中量级职业拳击手夺冠(1951-1960年) Robinson 7  RobinsonSir &B{Robert} (&b{1886-1975})  NONE(无词性)British chemist. He won a 1947 Nobel Prize for his study of molecular structures in plants.鲁宾逊,罗伯特:(1886-1975) 英国化学家,因对植物分子结构的研究而获1947年诺贝尔奖




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