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单词 Rogers
释义 Rogers 1  Rog.ers  AHD:  [r¼j“…rz] D.J.  [6rKd9*z]K.K.  [6r$d9*z]NONE(无词性)A city of northwest Arkansas north of Fayetteville. It is a processing center in a farming and tourist area. Population, 24,692.罗杰斯:美国阿肯色州西北一城市,位于费依特维尔以北。是畜牧区和旅游区的加工业中心。人口24,692 Rogers 2  Rogers&B{Bruce} (&b{1870-1957})  NONE(无词性)American book designer and typographer noted for his use of design to reflect a volume's subject matter.罗杰斯,布鲁斯:(1870-1957) 美国图书设计师和活版印刷师,因其使用设计反映一卷书的主题而闻名 Rogers 3  Rogers&B{Carl} (&b{1902-1987})  NONE(无词性)American psychologist. A founder of humanistic psychology, he developed client-centered therapy, in which the client directs the focus and pace of each session.罗杰斯,卡尔:(1902-1987) 美国心理学家,人本主义心理学的缔造者。他首创以患者为中心的心理疗法,治疗中患者指示每一次与医生会谈的重点和进度 Rogers 4  Rogers&B{Ginger} (&b{Born 1911})  NONE(无词性)American dancer and actress particularly noted for her partnership with Fred Astaire in several motion pictures, includingSwing Time  (1936). 罗杰斯,金格:(生于 1911) 美国舞蹈家和电影演员,因与弗莱特·艾斯代尔合演了《强劲的节奏》 (1936年)等几部动作片而出名  Rogers 5  Rogers&B{John} (&b{1829-1904})  NONE(无词性)American sculptor noted for his groups of small sculptures, such as “Checkers up at the Farm” and “The Slave Auction” (both 1859).罗杰斯,约翰:(1829-1904) 美国雕塑家,因雕刻小型雕塑群而闻名,如“农场上的障碍物”和“奴隶拍卖”(均作于1859年) Rogers 6  Rogers&B{Robert} (&b{1731-1795})  NONE(无词性)American soldier and frontiersman who led (1758-1763) the Rogers's Rangers on a series of daring missions during the French and Indian War.罗杰斯,罗伯特:(1731-1795) 美国军人和边境地带的殖民者,1758-1763年在法国对印第安人的战争中因指挥罗杰斯机动队执行一系列冒险任务而出名 Rogers 7  Rogers&B{Roy} (&b{Born 1912})  NONE(无词性)American singer and actor who played a singing cowboy in motion-picture Westerns.罗杰斯,罗伊:(生于 1912) 美国歌手和电影演员,曾在西部动作片中扮演唱歌的牛仔 Rogers 8  Rogers&B{Samuel} (&b{1763-1855})  NONE(无词性)British poet whose works includeThe Pleasures of Memory  (1792). 罗杰斯,塞缪尔:(1763-1855) 英国诗人,诗作包括《回忆的乐趣》 (1792年)  Rogers 9  Rogers&B{William Penn Adair}  Known as &b{“Will.”}(&b{1879-1935})  NONE(无词性)American humorist noted for his wry, homespun commentary on American society and politics.罗杰斯,威廉·佩恩:(1879-1935) 美国幽默作家,以其对美国社会和政治幽默而尖刻的评论而著称




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