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单词 roster
释义 roster['rɒstə]n. 花名册 roster  ros.ter  AHD:  [r¼s“t…r, rô“st…r] D.J.  [6rKst*, 6r%8st*]K.K.  [6r$st+, 6r%st+]n.(名词)1. A list, especially of names.花名册,登记表2. A list of the names of military officers and enlisted personnel enrolled for active duty.值勤人员表:军官和入伍的现役军人的名单语源:1. Dutch rooster [gridiron, roster (from the ruled paper used for a roster)] 荷兰语 rooster [烤架,项目单(源于做花名册用的印有平行线的纸张)] 2. from roosten [to roast] 源自 roosten [烤] 注释:To be told that the wordroster  is related to a gridiron upon which one roasts meat might not come as a surprise, depending on what sort of rosters one's name has graced.The connection between the roster as we know it and a gridiron was made in Dutch,where the wordrooster,  meaning “gridiron” (from the verb roosten,  “to roast”), was extended in sense to mean “a table, list.”This extension was made because of the resemblance of a gridiron to a piece of paper divided by parallel lines that contains a list or table.The earliest use in English (first recorded in 1727) for the wordroster  borrowed from Dutch was military, referring to a list or plan that outlined when officers, men, and bodies of troops should perform their turn of duty. Roster  is no longer exclusively military in usage,nor does it mean simply a list of rotating turns of duty;one could perhaps even have a roster of meats to be roasted at a barbecue.如果说roster 一词与供烤肉用的烧烤架有关也许不会令人吃惊, 这就要看名字上了什么样的花名册。荷兰语把我们所知道的roster(花名册)与gridiron(烤架)联系了起来,rooster 意为“烤架”(源于动词 roosten ,意思是“烤”), 词义延伸后意为“表格,名单”。该词之所以有这样的延伸义是因为烤架与被平行线分成表格的纸张有相似之处。roster 一词从荷兰语中借用后,在英语中(第一次记载于1727年)最早运用于军事, 指粗略记录军官、士兵和部队轮流执行任务的名单或计划。 Roster  不再为军队专用,也不仅仅表示“轮班的名单”的意思,烧烤时我们甚至可以用“烤肉的肉单”




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