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单词 rotten
释义 rotten['rɒtn]a. 腐烂的, 恶臭的, 堕落的, 风化的, 虚弱的【经】 腐烂的, 堕落的相关词组:feel rottengo rotten rotten  rot.ten  AHD:  [r¼t“n] D.J.  [6rKtn]K.K.  [6r$t2]adj.(形容词),rot.ten.est 1. Being in a state of putrefaction or decay; decomposed.腐烂的:处于腐烂或腐败状态的;腐坏的2. Having a foul odor resulting from or suggestive of decay; putrid.腐臭的:由于腐烂而带有恶臭或发令出人想起腐烂臭味的;有腐臭味的3. Made weak or unsound by rot:腐朽的:由于腐烂而变弱或受损伤的:rotten floorboards.破损的地板4. Morally corrupt or despicable:堕落的:道德败坏或卑鄙的:She's rotten to the core.她坏透了5. Very bad; wretched:非常坏的;极讨厌的:rotten weather.恶劣的天气adv.(副词)To a very great degree:非常,极其:The child is spoiled rotten.这个小孩被宠坏了语源:1. Middle English roten 中古英语 roten 2. from Old Norse rotinn 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 rotinn 继承用法:rot“tenly  adv.(副词)rot“tenness  n.(名词)




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