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单词 runway
释义 runway['rʌnwei]n. 跑道, 河床, 过道【化】 单轨架空道; 吊车道 runway  run.way  AHD:  [r¾n“w³”] D.J.  [6rJn7we!]K.K.  [6rJn7we]n.(名词)1. A strip of level, usually paved ground on which aircraft take off and land.跑道:飞机起飞或登陆的一条水平道路,通常铺过地面2. A path, channel, or track over which something runs.走道:某物能走过的道路、渠道或轨道3. The channel of a stream.河床:小河的渠道4. A chute down which logs are skidded.滑道:木材运送时用的溜道5. Sports A narrow track in a bowling lane on which balls are returned after they are bowled.【体育运动】 回球斜槽:保龄球被抛出后回归到原地的窄的通道6. A smooth ramp for wheeled vehicles.车道:有轮交通工具的平展通道7. A narrow walkway extending from a stage into an auditorium.延伸台道:从舞台通向观众席中的窄的走道




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