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单词 Ruth
释义 Ruth 1  Ruth  AHD:  [r›th] D.J.  [ru8G]K.K.  [ruG]n.Bible (名词)【圣经】 1. In the Old Testament, a Moabite widow who left home with her mother-in-law and went to Bethlehem, where she later married Boaz.路得:旧约中的一摩押寡妇,她与她的婆母一起离开家去伯利恒,后来在那儿嫁给了波阿斯2. Abbr. Rt.See table at Bible 缩写 Rt.参见 Bible Ruth 2  Ruth&B{George Herman}  Called &b{“Babe.”}(&b{1895-1948})  NONE(无词性)American baseball player. A pitcher for the Boston Red Sox (1915-1919) and outfielder for the New York Yankees (1920-1935), he hit 714 home runs, played in 10 World Series, and held 54 major-league records. Known as “the Sultan of Swat,” he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1936.鲁思,乔治·赫尔曼:(1895-1948) 美国棒球运动员。作为波士顿红袜队的投球手(1915-1919年)和纽约的美国佬队的外野手(1920-1935年),他一共打击全垒打714次、参加了十次世界级比赛并保持54个主要联盟记录。被人称为“全垒打王”,1936年被吸收为荣誉棒球会的会员 ruth  ruth  AHD:  [r›th] D.J.  [ru8G]K.K.  [ruG]n.(名词)1. Compassion or pity for another.同情:同情或对别人的怜悯2. Sorrow or misery about one's own misdeeds or flaws.悔恨:因自己做错的事或缺点而难过或悲伤语源:1. Middle English ruthe 中古英语 ruthe 2. from Old Norse hrygdh  influenced by Old English hr¶ow [sorrow, regret] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 hrygdh  受 古英语 hr¶ow的影响 [悲伤,悔恨]




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