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单词 sable
释义 sable['seibl]n. 黑貂, 黑貂皮, 深褐色, 丧服a. 黑貂皮的, 黑色的, 昏暗的 sable  sa.ble  AHD:  [s³“b…l] D.J.  [6se!b*l]K.K.  [6seb*l]n.(名词)1. A carnivorous mammal(Martes zibellina)  of northern Europe and Asia, having soft dark fur. 紫貂,黑貂:生长于北欧和亚洲的一种食肉哺乳动物(黑貂 黄侯貂属) ,有柔软的暗色毛 2. The pelt or fur of this animal.紫貂皮:这种动物的毛皮或生皮3. The similar fur of other species of martens.貂皮:其他貂类动物的类似的皮4. The color black, especially in heraldry.黑色:(尤指纹章学中的)黑色5. sables Black garments worn in mourning.sables 丧服:服丧时所穿的黑衣服6. Color A grayish yellowish brown.【色彩】 深褐色:带灰色、浅黄色的褐色7. A sablefish.萨布尔鱼adj.(形容词)1. Color Of a grayish yellowish brown.【色彩】 深褐色的:带灰色、浅黄色的褐色的2. Of the color black, as in heraldry or mourning.黑色的:(如纹章学或服丧之)黑色的3. Dark; somber.黑色的;阴暗的4. Of the fur of the sable:紫貂皮的:a sable coat.貂皮短大衣语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Middle Low German sabel 源自 中古低地德语 sabel 4. from Old Russian sobol' 源自 古普鲁士语 sobol' 5. ultimately from Persian sam½r 最终源自 波斯语 sam½r  Sable  Sa.ble  AHD:  [s³“b…l] ,Cape。D.J.  [6se!b*l],Cape。K.K.  [6seb*l],Cape。NONE(无词性)1. A promontory of extreme southern Nova Scotia, Canada. It is on an inlet south ofSable Island,  a low, sandy island often called “the Graveyard of the Atlantic” because of its hazard to navigation. 沙布尔角:加拿大新斯科舍省最南部的岬角。位于沙布尔岛, 南部的入海口处。这个岛低而多沙,因航行危险通常称为“大西洋上的墓地” 2. A cape at the southwest tip of Florida. Part of Everglades National Park, it is the southernmost extremity of the U.S. mainland.沙布尔角:佛罗里达西南顶端的海角。是埃弗格莱兹国家公园的一部分,也是美国大陆最南端




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