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单词 saddle
释义 saddle['sædl]n. 鞍, 马鞍, 车座, 鞍状物vt. 装以马鞍, 使负担vi. 跨上马鞍【医】 鞍相关词组:be in the saddleget into the saddleput the saddle on the right horseput the saddle on the wrong horsesaddle up saddle  sad.dle  AHD:  [s²d“l] D.J.  [6s#dl]K.K.  [6s#d1]n.(名词)1. A leather seat for a rider, secured on an animal's back by a girth.Also called  Regional rig 鞍:通过腰带固定在动物的背上的为骑者准备的皮坐位也作  【区域的】 rig2. Similar tack used for attaching a pack to an animal.鞍具:用于把背包系在动物身上的类似装置3. The padded part of a driving harness fitting over a horse's back.马鞍:系在马背上的马具的坐垫部分4. The seat of a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.车座:自行车、摩托车或类似交通工具的座位5. Something shaped like a saddle.鞍状物:马鞍状的东西6. A cut of meat consisting of part of the backbone and both loins.带脊骨的肉:由部分脊椎骨和两块腰肉组成的一块肉7. The lower part of a male fowl's back.后半背部:雄禽的背部的下半部分8. A saddle-shaped depression in the ridge of a hill.山凹:山脊的鞍状凹陷9. A ridge between two peaks.山脊:两个山峰之间的山脊v.(动词)  sad.dled,sad.dling,sad.dles及物动词)1. To put a saddle onto.给…装鞍2. To load or burden; encumber:装上,使负重担;拖累:They were saddled with heavy expenses.他们为过高的消费所拖累v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To saddle a horse.给马装上马鞍2. To get into a saddle.跨上马鞍习惯用语:in the saddle  In control; dominant.在位的;占优势的语源:1. Middle English sadel 中古英语 sadel 2. from Old English sadol * see  sed- 源自 古英语 sadol *参见 sed-




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