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单词 Saint Christopher-Nevis
释义 Saint Christopher-Nevis  Saint  AHD:  [kr¹s”t…-f…r-n¶“v¹s, -nµv“¹s]  也作 Saint Kitts and Ne.vis [k¹ts; n¶“v¹s, nµv“¹s] D.J.  [7kr!st*f*6ni8v!s, -6nev!s] 也作 Saint Kitts and Ne.vis [6k!ts; ni8v!s, 6nev!s]K.K.  [7kr!st*f+6niv!s, -6nWv!s] 也作 Saint Kitts and Ne.vis [6k!ts; niv!s, 6nWv!s]NONE(无词性)An island country in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies east-southeast of Puerto Rico comprisingSaint Christopher,  the largest island of the group, and the islands of Nevis and Sombrero. The main islands were discovered by Columbus in 1493 and settled by the English in the early 1600's. They were part of the West Indies Federation from 1958 to 1962 and in 1967 joined in a short-lived association with Anguilla. St. Christopher-Nevis became independent in 1983. Basseterre, on St. Christopher, is the capital. Population, 44,404. 圣克里斯托弗和尼维斯联邦:西印度群岛的英属群岛中的一个岛国,位于波多黎各东南偏东,包括群岛中最大的岛圣克里斯托弗岛 和尼维斯岛及松布雷罗岛。这些主要岛屿是1493年哥伦布发现的,17世纪初英国移民在此定居,从1958年到1962年是西印度邦联的一部分并在1967年与安圭拉岛结成联盟,但很快解散。1983年圣克里斯托弗和尼维斯独立。位于圣克里斯托弗岛上的巴斯特尔是首都。人口44,404




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