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单词 Saint Croix River
释义 Saint Croix River  Saint Croix River  NONE(无词性)1. A river, about 264 km (164 mi) long, rising in northwest Wisconsin and flowing generally south along the Minnesota border to the Mississippi River southeast of St. Paul.圣克罗伊河:一条起源于美国威斯康星州西北部河流,流程约264公里(164英里),沿明尼苏达州边界向南流入位于圣保罗东南部的密西西比河2. A river, about 121 km (75 mi) long, forming part of the boundary between eastern Maine and southwest New Brunswick, Canada. It rises in a series of lakes and flows generally southeast to Passamaquoddy Bay. In 1604 Samuel de Champlain established a colony onSaint Croix Island  near the mouth of the river, but the settlement was abandoned in 1605. 圣克罗伊河:形成于美国缅因州东部和加拿大新不伦瑞克省西南部边界线的一条河流,流程约121公里(75英里)。它起源于若干湖泊,向东南流入帕萨马科迪湾。1604年,塞缪尔·德·尚普兰在圣克罗伊岛 靠近河口部位建立了一块殖民地,但于1605年撤离




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