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单词 Saint Denis
释义 Saint Denis  Saint  AHD:  [s³nt dµn“¹s] Ruth (1878-1968) D.J.  [se!nt 6den!s]K.K.  [sent 6dWn!s]NONE(无词性)American choreographer and pioneer of modern dance. With her husband Ted Shawn she founded (1915) the influential Denishawn Dance School.圣丹尼斯,鲁思:(1878-1968) 美国舞蹈家、现代舞先驱。1915年与其夫特德·肖恩共同建立了影响深远的丹斯-肖恩舞蹈学校 Saint-Denis  Saint-De.nis  AHD:  [s²’-d…-n¶“] D.J.  [s#0d*6ni8]K.K.  [s#0d*6ni]NONE(无词性)1. A city of north-central France, an industrial suburb of Paris. Dating from early Christian times as a place of pilgrimage, it is the site of a Benedictine abbey founded in 626. The city's 12th-century Gothic cathedral contains the tombs of numerous French monarchs, including those of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Population, 90,829.圣丹尼斯:法国中北部一座城市,巴黎市郊的工业区。基督教早期时为朝圣地,公元626年本笃分教堂建于此市内,12世纪哥特式教堂内有许多法国君主的陵墓,包括路易十六和玛丽·安托瓦内特之墓。人口90,8292. The capital of Réunion, a port on the Indian Ocean. It was founded in the late 17th century as a way station on the route to the Orient. Population, 84,400.圣丹尼斯:留尼汪岛首府,印度洋上的一个港口,该城作为通往东方的中继站而建于17世纪后期。人口84,400




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