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单词 Saint John
释义 Saint John 1  Saint John 1  AHD:  [s³nt j¼n“] D.J.  [se!nt 6d9Kn]K.K.  [sent 6d9$n]NONE(无词性)An island of the U.S. Virgin Islands in the West Indies east of Puerto Rico. It was discovered by Columbus in 1493 and passed to various European powers before being sold to the United States by Denmark in 1917.圣约翰岛:美国维尔京群岛中的一个岛屿,位于西印度群岛,里科港东部。1943年哥伦布发现此岛,后被欧洲列强陆续占有,直至1917年丹麦将其卖给美国 Saint John 2  Saint John 2  AHD:  [s³nt j¼n“] D.J.  [se!nt 6d9Kn]K.K.  [sent 6d9$n]NONE(无词性)A city of southern New Brunswick, Canada, at the mouth of the St. John River on the Bay of Fundy. First settled as a French trading post in the 1630's, it was captured by the British in 1758 and was a refuge for Loyalists after the American Revolution. Population, 80,521.圣约翰:加拿大新不伦瑞克省南部一城市,座落于圣约翰河口芬迪湾上。最初于17世纪30年代被法国占领作为贸易驿站,1758年被英国占领,美国独立战争后成为亲英分子的庇护所。人口80,521 Saint John 3  Saint John&B{Henry}  NONE(无词性)See  First Viscount Bolingbroke 参见  一等子爵 Bolingbroke Saint John 4  Saint John  AHD:  [s³nt j¼n]  或 Saint Jean  或 Saint-Jean [s²’ zhä’“] ,Lake。D.J.  [se!nt d9Kn] 或 Saint Jean  或 Saint-Jean [s#0 69$80],Lake。K.K.  [sent d9$n] 或 Saint Jean  或 Saint-Jean [s#0 69$0],Lake。NONE(无词性)A lake of south-central Quebec, Canada, connected by the Saguenay River with the St. Lawrence River. The lake is a popular resort area.圣约翰湖:加拿大魁北克省中南部湖泊,由萨格奈河将其于圣劳伦斯河相连,该湖是著名的旅游胜地




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