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单词 sally
释义 sally['sæli]n. 突击, 出击, 远足vi. 突击, 出击, 出发 sally  AHD:  [s²l“¶] D.J.  [6s#li8]K.K.  [6s#li]v.intr.(不及物动词)  sal.lied,,sal.lies 1. To rush out or leap forth suddenly.突然冲出或向前跃2. To issue suddenly from a defensive or besieged position to attack an enemy.攻击:由防守或被围困的状态突然攻击敌人3. To set out on a trip or an excursion:动身,外出:开始旅行或郊游:sallied forth to see the world.出发去看世界n.(名词)  【复数】 sal.lies 1. A sudden rush forward; a leap.猛冲;跃2. An assault from a defensive position; a sortie.由防守状态突然猛攻;突击3. A sudden emergence into action or expression; an outburst.动作或表情的突然出现;迸发4. A sudden quick witticism; a quip.See Synonyms at joke 俏皮话;妙语参见 joke5. A venturing forth; a jaunt.旅行;远足语源:1. From French saillie [a sally] 源自 法语 saillie [一次跳跃] 2. from Old French [from feminine past participle of] salir [to rush forward] 源自 古法语  [] 源自salir的阴性过去分词 [向前冲] 3. from Latin sal&9{ºre} [to leap] * see  sel- 源自 拉丁语 sal&9{ºre} [跳跃] *参见 sel-




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